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Finally made it out for my first lake hunt this season. Super late, but we've had over 7.5" of rain this month here! I started to go yesterday but severe storms were forecasted to move through sometime during the day, and I woke up and talked myself out of going " probably not been many people in the water with all this rain, water probably gonna be real cold, those storms might come in earlier than forecasted" just one reason after another not to go. So last night I was looking here on findmall and seeing all the stuff people were finding and decided I would go today, no excuses! Well I'm glad I did. I had a great time, found several coins and 2 rings. One is a junker but the other, Gold with Ice!!! I was hunting in the water with my Equinox, Park 2 stock settings with the stock coil. I got a nice 5 reading that sounded good, not tiny like foil, and I scooped and scooped, all the way through the sand, into the hardpan clay. I almost gave up but I thought, a low number like that, sinking into the hardpan, its got to be good. So a couple more scoops and there it was in my scoop! I was in waist deep water (on me), I'm 6' tall. The other ring I found first and its a junk toe ring. Got a pair of sunglasses, and not pictured I found a Samsung S8 on the sandy beach, but I could tell it was a fresh drop. Looked around and followed the footsteps in the sand and saw a lady frantically looking for something. I asked her if she had lost something and she said "my phone". I said, well I think I can help you out, and gave it to her. She was as happy with her phone as I was with the ring. Anyway it was fun and I'm going to another lake tomorrow!, HH and thanks for looking.