got out for 2& 1/2 hrs today at a well beaten area. Got a total of $ 2.25 including a 1953 wheat and a 1942 merc.Got 6 bottle caps that read as a dime or quarter in one direction but dropped off into the teens or early twenties in the other direction but wouldnt go negative.The merc was a strong +30 at about 5 inches but bounced and went negative from ninety degrees to the first signal. I thought "hah, a bottle cap thats finally reading negative". Almost passed on it except it sound so good in the one direction.Glad I dug it. The reverse had some rust on it from maybe an old bottle cap or something? Also got a couple of old tabs that read as nickel and a rusty dart tip that was nearby the merc but not in the same hole.Was hoping for a deep silver but Im happy with a shallow masked one)