Hi Jim.
I appreciate your respect...and kind words
In my opinion I didn't find the results similar at all. In fact I found the opposite.
The comparison testing was done seconds to minutes apart...so the conditions would not have changed in that time frame.
When I had been over the first site previously...I used the 1050 coil...and when the ground was very moist.
This time...during the comparison testing...I used the slimline coil...in the same moist conditions.
The slimline coil...while nowhere near as stable as the 1050...does separate pretty well. It still did not separate well enough to find the 3 missed coins which the X-8 DID....and I can say that with 100% confidence.
The X-8 separated the coins from the trash in all three instances whereas the slimline did not. Hence why I missed them previously with the 1050....why they were a jumbled mess on this day with the slimline...and why the X-8 did NOT miss them.
As for the side by side comparing against the Minelab 7.5" coil...same time frame. The comparisons were done merely seconds to minutes apart...so no way the ground conditions could have varied in that time frame.
The Minelab 7.5" coil flat out would NOT hit the 9" deep merc which the X-8 told me to investigate over....and trust me...I TRIED to make it hit.
Third site...no comparisons were done...just some good old hunt time at a pounded spot.
This field test was not a test to compare coils against each other. It was exactly as stated...a field test of the Sunray X-8 coil.
As for testing the SEF 6 x 8 against the Sunray X-8....there are only so many hours in the day...and my personal hunt time is limited as it is....so I can't do it all.
I would also like to do some future comparisons with the Coiltek WOT coil and the 15 x 18 SEF coil...but good Lord...I would end up in the hospital with shoulder surgery if I did so.
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Now for the 12" Sunray. I did not find the 10 x 12 SEF coil better than the 12" Sunray.In fact I have never compared those two coils head to head.
I've been using the 10 x 12 SEF coil for nearly 2 years now.
I got my first use of the 12" Sunray just a couple of months ago...and that complete field test report will be published in Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine in about 6 or 8 weeks...so I cannot comment on it at this time. All I can say is that it is an awesome coil and it opened my eyes to some things.
Since then I have been very busy with the 15 x 18 SEF.....then this field test of the X-8...so I simply have not had much time to use it since.
The field test I did on the Sunray X-5 coil will be coming out in Western & Eastern Treasures in 3 or 4 weeks.
It would be cool sometime to compare the 5" Sunray...to the 6" Excelerator...to the 6 x 8 SEF coil...but again I want to have a life...and some personal hunt time.
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The kind of hunt time I like is time like the following... http://www.findmall.com/read.php?19,1167011,1167011#msg-1167011
Thanks for responding Jim. I always appreciate your input.