You know if a person testifies with spoken words...has he or she not testified of their self and of thier knowledge? Field tests were directed and written and documented. The words of the field tester were their measured spoken words about their experience with a product.
Why would anyone need to take this given public posted knowledge away?
Since the person decided to speak it? Or to publicly make write of it... does it not become public knowledge?:angry: Those spoken or written words have also become public ownership haven't they, for the public to use as they direct that knowledge given to them, as they please, so long as it is not used to slander.
If you are a witness of an account (Field Tester)... and you state your experience with a particular product, then you decide to take it all back... You may as well be called a "Story Teller"!
And That's the truth! Sorry for the rant. But when I seen the Field Tests Pulled...Field Test 1...Field Test 2... all respect and belief in what I had read vanished with it, as well as the trust in the Tester.
I guess I'm one who believes in right and wrong, have I always been right sir, but I don't hold the postition that needs to be beyond reproach as a Field Tester holds. It must be a respect thing!
Columbus, Ohio
Why would anyone need to take this given public posted knowledge away?
Since the person decided to speak it? Or to publicly make write of it... does it not become public knowledge?:angry: Those spoken or written words have also become public ownership haven't they, for the public to use as they direct that knowledge given to them, as they please, so long as it is not used to slander.
If you are a witness of an account (Field Tester)... and you state your experience with a particular product, then you decide to take it all back... You may as well be called a "Story Teller"!
And That's the truth! Sorry for the rant. But when I seen the Field Tests Pulled...Field Test 1...Field Test 2... all respect and belief in what I had read vanished with it, as well as the trust in the Tester.
I guess I'm one who believes in right and wrong, have I always been right sir, but I don't hold the postition that needs to be beyond reproach as a Field Tester holds. It must be a respect thing!
Columbus, Ohio