Owned or used most of what's out there. Sovereign GT all the way for my wants and needs. I could never find a machine with all the combinations of features and abilities I want. Some had this. Some had that. Some had the depth or tone alerts but not long detailed audio along with that. Some had some of these features but not high enough conductivity ID resolution for my tastes in the low and mid range of conductivity to split hairs on things like rings or nickels and tabs. Some lacked a large selection of quality aftermarket DD coils to push depths deeper or unmask better in heavy trash. Finally I'm home. I may stray to other machines to add to my arsenal, as I always have, but for the first time I can say this one detector ain't going nowhere God willing. Too unique of a beast, and with too much ability in what I'm after- old coins at dead sites, and rings and relics on both land and in the water. It can do it all for what I was looking for.
It all depends on what your wants and needs are. Swinging fast? Then buy a fast machine. Light weight? Better do that then. My GT wasn't light enough for my tastes, so I built a light weight shaft and dropped a ton of weight so it weighs about what my Whites did (actually a bit lighter than an MXT Pro now). Another thing I like about it, is that right out of the box, with the extra long coil cables and detachable control box, it's ready to also go water hunting by chest mounting it in a bag, and then in minutes I can throw it back on my land shaft with the meter and be ready to old coin hunt. It's a dual land/water amphibous machine, and if you want to go deeper than waste deep easy enough to throw the control box in a $20 waterproof Plano box real quick for the day.