Today I did the usual things - mow the lawn, put the air conditioner in, went to my father-in-laws. My brother-in-law Tim had given me a treasure map weeks ago and I finally made it there to try to find my treasures. I used my Ace 250, sniper coil and stock coil. I hunted for awhile. I found one container out of 4 that were buried. (pictured below) and then my wife came out after awhile as she figured I was probably laying out in the sun with the buzzards on me. She looked at the map and started to search with me. I never did find the other 3 treasures. Found everything else...screws, nuts, bolts, nails, pop cans and one penny. Here is the picture of the treasure map. The other stuff is still there. But I had a great day, spending it with family and friends and the weather was great. It was good to get out and metal detect for awhile. But, pondering over the day, I am wondering if the other stuff is really buried there or if my brother-in-law just wanted to see me wandering around in the sun until the headphones melted to my head and I passed out from the heat. Happy Father's Day to everyone!
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