Went 2 the farm with 7scooter yesterday morning, had a great day.we found 20 buttons & coins. 7scooter posted his yesterday.I'll list mine. 10 buttons , 1 Navy badly worn, 1 flat with design, 2 oval,& 6 flat. The coins ,1893 Indian head, 1789 1/2 real,& a New Jersey colonial coin it has a shield on one side & a horse's head & plow on the other side the book says 1786 to 1788. I have it soaking hope it cleans up ok. Hit a good tone out pops a pumpkin patch diamond ring, 3 rings in one, 9 diamonds on each outer ring & 1 big one in the center, my heart just about came out of my chest , any way it was 18k H.G.E,& the diamonds you guessed it GLASS ,but it was still great. I'll ask 7scooter if he can post 4 me. HAPPY NEW YEAR UALL. GOOD HUNTING &GOOD LUCK. GG