Okay, folks. I've finally got a few minutes to post this. A detecting buddy and I have permission to detect around a property in a town local to us. I previously lived in this town for 15 years or so, so I am fairly well familiar with the area. This particular property is one of the oldest in town, the original home was built around 1765, and is still standing. There are various fields around the property that get mowed a time or two a year. We have been around the yard of the house quite a few times and have found some decent coins. I pulled my best coin ever out of there, an 1810 2 reale coin in very nice shape. We have found 4 or 5 large cents, and I have also gotten an early American cent (flowing hair, no date). Now, on a more modern note, we've gotten mercs, a couple of silver Rosie's, one Washington quarter, and numerous wheaties. The question I have is this, what are we missing in the yard? We have not found ANY seateds, v's, Indian heads, etc.
Now that I've gone off topic a bit, my second question that ties in. I see people posting here all the time about their latest farm field finds. We have been out in several different fields, and tried the centers, the low spots, the edges, by the stone walls, etc, and have found nothing. I don't mean nothing like a little clad, I mean nothing at all. We have a hard time finding trash even. I know for fact that these fields have been around at least a hundred years or so, so what are we missing? Are we just in the wrong fields? Does it matter if it was a livestock field or a planting field? Are we not checking around the right areas? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Now that I've gone off topic a bit, my second question that ties in. I see people posting here all the time about their latest farm field finds. We have been out in several different fields, and tried the centers, the low spots, the edges, by the stone walls, etc, and have found nothing. I don't mean nothing like a little clad, I mean nothing at all. We have a hard time finding trash even. I know for fact that these fields have been around at least a hundred years or so, so what are we missing? Are we just in the wrong fields? Does it matter if it was a livestock field or a planting field? Are we not checking around the right areas? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this.