A little sore from the detecting and panning yesterday, so instead of another go at it today, I figure everybody should get a little cleaned up. And since the weather was nice, maybe a family photo before everyone had to go in.
I know I know, but most are Tesoro and didn't want anyone feel bad.
What they don't know, is I'm going to give a few the boot sooner or later. Maybe invite a few new pals this year to add.
Only problem is I don't know who all is getting the boot and who will I invite this year. Have a few machines I want to add but haven't decided yet. Easier said than done.
But I think its obvious that Tesoro is welcome in my home. They even have a room for themselves
[attachment 82241 FamilyPhoto.JPG]
I know I know, but most are Tesoro and didn't want anyone feel bad.
What they don't know, is I'm going to give a few the boot sooner or later. Maybe invite a few new pals this year to add.
Only problem is I don't know who all is getting the boot and who will I invite this year. Have a few machines I want to add but haven't decided yet. Easier said than done.
But I think its obvious that Tesoro is welcome in my home. They even have a room for themselves
[attachment 82241 FamilyPhoto.JPG]