Imagine,if you can-those men went off to work and ended up getting trapped in that mine,probably knowing the end was near-NOW,imigine being the family members of them men on the outside-First they are mistakenly told when they found them,only 1 was already gone.Then,3 hours later,they were told all but 1 were gone when they got to them.those miners are already in the hands of the Creator.My prayers go out to all the people that;by whatever means it happened;were told mistakenly their loved ones were alive,then dead.It could be that part of the problem was wishful thinking;in times of crisis,everybody hopes for the best.In any event,that has to be the cruelest thing to have happen to you-when I go to church Sunday,when we have Prayers of the People,I will be saying one for the West Virginia coal miners'families.Amen.........:sad: