Well Ive had my 250 for 6 days and every time I go out and hunt this has happened . Im in coin mode , standard setting and I get the bell tone and its iffy , one way and then if i whip the coil faster I get a good to way signal, I think you guys and gals call it twiching maybe? So Im dancin around this hole and feel satisfied enough that may the one and two ways signals are worth it to dig. Dig the hole run my coil over the hole nothing there GOOD must be in the dirt from the hole. WEll, I forgot to mention I dont have a pinpoiter yet I know im not complete without it , but I run the coil over the dirt from the hole and nothing and this happens every hunt , about 2 or three times a hunt . SO I switch to all metal and run the coil over the dirt pile and bingo it finds a brass screw so small not even 1/4 inch Im talkin BB size The next time it happened was a small brass tack head . Three times yeterday it happened and i found the little target every time in all metal. I guess what I am trying say is to someone new LIke me its not false, your detector is doing what it supposed to, and I guess the little bitty pieces of brass or whatever your detector tells is in the ground is because of the halo effect or just the metal leaching out in the dirt and you dig up and nothing in your pile, ITS THERE. Well thanks for bending your ears. WHEW!