Coinseeker 78
New member
It may not seem like much to many of you but it is a great find for me. The AT PRO has proved to be wonderful at unmaking coins in trash. My hunting buddy and I have been detecting an old Fairgrounds for the last three years. We have found many coins from Large cents to seated and barber coins to mention a few. I have hunted with my Minelab SE and recently my AT PRO. My buddy uses his Minelab SE. We have cleaned out the easy stuff and now have to resort to hunting the masked coins that we and others in the past have missed. This is more exciting and satisfying then just digging a strong unmasked coin. We usually still find a couple good coins each trip. Yesterday was an example of the success that can be had in trash. I found a coin that gave me a very iffy signal at 6 inches. I was getting an intermittent coin reading among the iron over this one spot and felt I was getting more then a nail reading. So I dug. First came out a square nail and then another one. I ran my pinpointer around the hole and got another signal. I dug about another inch down and out popped an 1867 shield 2 cent piece. The coin is very fine with a beautiful patina and not any loss of detail. in fact the fine lines in the shield stripes are crystal clear. I held my breath as I got my glass out but discovered it was not a double strike. This coin had to have been dropped shortly after it was minted. I was using Pro zero setting and the ground balance settled at 90. I notice the AT PRO seems to lock on to higher ground balance numbers then my Fisher F70. I was using my 5X8 coil and have dug coins at 8 inches with it especially when I decrease my balance about 5 to ten numbers on the ground balance scale. This detector is a wonderful tool and provided me with a lot of good finds in coins and artifacts. Photo's are forthcoming.