Thanks EZ,
Sounds like you were getting some good numbers right off from the get -go. Somehow I think the speed that you can sweep and the speed the F75 can interpret has something to do with that, but i am just guessing. I will now be looking for the 80's and silver! Need to find a good spot and get some.
Was there a wheat with the dime in the same hole?
Can you elaborate on what kinds of sounds you are familiar with and the targets found? Things like, Blip, Blip,... is that a double tone for one pass or two passes fast. Also sounds of junk, coins on edge etc. Anyone else have info drop in and let's hear what you learned. I tend to watch the display and do not pay attention to the quality of the sounds vs the tone given, so I need some more schooling. When you think about it, it is pretty exciting to find old silver that has evaded being found if the area has had detectors over it before. 13KHz is an awesome frequency and there is a reason why. Have a good weekend.
Sunny Jim