Dave, after years of swinging various Explorers and high end Whites detectors, I had to find a lighter detector. It got to the point where I could detect comfortably less than two hours with my V3i. It was a great coin finding detector and I wanted something nearly as capable, but lighter. I have had both the F75 and 705 several times over the last 10 years,but never really bonded with them. I did have some success so I knew they were both capable of finding deeper coins in the trashy parks I frequent. I really liked my first F75, but it was prone to emi in most of my hunting spots. I knew the upgrades done a year or so ago seemed to help the emi problem. I wanted a new detector with warranty so after a month of research and many youtube videos, I decided on the new, cheaper standard F75. It lacks the "boost and cache" modes, but offers digital shielding and fast mode, along with other improvements. First let me say, this detector is much improved over my original F75 concerning emi. It is very stable and best of all, light. Because of my heath issues, I have no choice but to learn and use a light detector. The F75 not only is light, it is deep and fast. It does suffer identifying some metal, but with more time in the field, I will figure out what to dig and what to ignore. The first week or so with the F75 made me think I should have picked the 705, but after that initial 20 hours, I started getting the "hang" of the F75 and I won't be looking back any time soon. As I have said in the past, the 600 dollar F75 is the bargain of bargains.