Can honestly say I spent more than 16 hours testing the F75 in both the dry and wet sand areas of Holden Beach North Carolina. I was completely satisfied with my machine. The machine had performed very good inland and now I learned it was good for the beach too. Didn't find much the first couple of days but on day three an old man told me that the city had added 2+ feet of fresh sand over the whole beach after a storm last fall. Yep that would explain the slim pickings but that's not the end of the story. Wednesday's wave action changed to the worse and suddenly the beach changed. High areas became low and uncovered what was believed to be old sand and that's where my son in law with his E-Trac and I with my F75 started hunting. Suddenly dropped coins came up from 3 to 8" deep and in the wet sand to boot. Now of course we dug all good beeps and dug a lot of trash and beer tabs, but had a great time. More to come on the testing. And yes, we did produce a video that we hope to put on youtube soon. Hey, this is real life experiences.