[quote tab-nabit]My small coil went out today when attempting to try it again after some weird problems last hunt.
Last hunt I noticed every nickel indication turn out to be a square tab. I also noticed a couple times that a penny, dime and quarter would sometime jump around on the VDI but was in the general area. I took it due to the trashy area. And twice the machine emitted a solid steady tone and wouldn't stop unless I turned the machine off then turn the detector back on. I didn't think of it much then, but today when I turned it on, the steady tone was stuck on. I checked connections and scuff cover, and still the same. . I started thinking the machine took a dump on me. I did a reset unsuccessfully. I switched to the stock coil and all was fine.
On the way home, I stopped by a friends place and tried his small F-75 coil. All was fine, so I tried mine again and the tone wouldn't stop. Swapped back to his and all was fine. So I guess my small coil lasted only a couple hunts

Of all the years of detecting and all the machines I have and had in the past, this is the first problem for me. Kind of frustrating but I guess it was going to happen one of these years. Well I did have a coil years ago that if I bumped it into a solid object like a rock or tree, it would emit a brief tone, but other than that, I continued using that coil probably 20 years or so with no other problems.
So I have never before had a coil completely fail, nor have I or my friend heard of one act the way this one did.
When one starts to act up, I usually check the connection and if it has a scuff cover, I pull it off and clean everything up.
So now I'll have to get a small working coil (again) to find out how well it works on the F-75.
It was a good thing today I had the stock coil, and 2 other machines. I was almost a hour and a half drive time away from home. I don't think I found anything to brag about, but have cleaning of the finds to do - and after today, I just don't feel like it right now

This sounds like an experience I had on my F2 - the solid / steady tone that doesn't stop unless u turn the machine off. It turned out to be a problem with the batteries, as I tested them and one was nearly dead while the other was medium full. Perhaps it had to do with one battery being drained and the other not? Putting in new batteries resolved the problem.