There is a large, undeveloped field area near my house that I have suspected for some time might hold a few good relics.
100 yards away, Barber coins and trade tokens have turned up, so the chance seems to exist. To date, this theory remains just that - a theory.
I have yet to uncover anything really good there, but I continue to go back from time to time. You know how it is, you just can't give up too easily on a place.
I both hope something will eventually surface there and I find it is a great place to "relic hunt" close to home.
With the latter thought in mind, I finished today's errands, grabbed up the newly resurrected F70 and shot on over there.
Now, I say "newly resurrected F70" for a reason. When I got this unit, I had traded an older Eagle II SL for it. No sooner did I get it in the field than it went nuts with electrical interference. The guy I got it from is a straight arrow and said he had the same problem - he reckoned it was just the way the F70 behaved. See, he'd heard all the complaints about the erratic nature of these new Fishers, too.
Well, that wasn't gonna fly with me... I needed to make this thing work, so it could become my primary unit.
So at his suggestion, I contacted Mike Scott at First Texas.
Long story short, that swell, heckuva guy up there in Wisconsin took good care of me. He stuck by me until he KNEW I was taken care of right.
I know I keep pounding this drum, but there are many people out there putting down the new Fisher and First Texas as producing junk equipment. These 'experts' like to tout it as a company more focused on flooding the market than caring for their customers and their reputation. Nothing is further from the truth, I'm here to tell you.
Anyone wants to ask me more about it, just send me a message. For now, I don't want to tie up more bandwidth here.
So I got he F70 to the field and decided I was going to wind it out.
"Just how far could I get with it?" I wanted to know.
Here's the settings I ended up hunting with:
SENS: 85
THRESH: -1 to 0
Tones: dP and 2F, I searched in 2F and then switched to dP to "process." Aint this FUN!!
Notch: N/A
To those of you who use the F70, you'll recognize some fairly high numbers here. I could get the THRESH up to +1 on occasion, but it got too "chirpy" at that setting, so I backed it off. Later, I realized I could have lowered the SENS and boosted the THRESH as an alternative, but I really wanted to wind out the SENS this trip. Well, I got my wish!
I was also able to ground balance the detector, something I could rarely do before - the electrical interference issues simply prevented it in the past. I attained a steady 54-55 ground phase, which is normal mid range for this area. Oh, Joy!
SO what benchmark relics did all this get me? Glad you asked. Here they are:
[attachment 114354 DSCF0032.JPG]
I know, I know I dragged you along this far to look at a bunch of shot shell hulls?! Well, in a word, yes.
The thing about these is they are brass, and come hard in the mid range, from 25-50 on the VDI.... right where a lot of other desirable relics land.
You know, things like buttons and other brass items, for example. Too, there are a couple of .410 bases there. Those are not at all large and the F70 nailed them.
The fact that many of them came from good depths is also notable. Most were from what I'd estimate 4"-8" and hit both hard and repeatable. There was no doubt something was there, as opposed to the occasional induced chirp or pop. I noticed something else, too.
At lower GAIN and THRESH settings, like I've been using on the trashy high school site lately, the coils' detection field is tight and relatively narrow. But at the higher settings I was using today, the coil's detection field is noticeably expanded. "Ballooned out," if you want to think of it that way.
This bodes well for future relic hunts, yes sir.
So, I count this trip a success in more ways than one. Not only is it obvious the F70 is now working correctly, but it sure can find things!
Thanks for looking and following along!
100 yards away, Barber coins and trade tokens have turned up, so the chance seems to exist. To date, this theory remains just that - a theory.
I have yet to uncover anything really good there, but I continue to go back from time to time. You know how it is, you just can't give up too easily on a place.
I both hope something will eventually surface there and I find it is a great place to "relic hunt" close to home.
With the latter thought in mind, I finished today's errands, grabbed up the newly resurrected F70 and shot on over there.
Now, I say "newly resurrected F70" for a reason. When I got this unit, I had traded an older Eagle II SL for it. No sooner did I get it in the field than it went nuts with electrical interference. The guy I got it from is a straight arrow and said he had the same problem - he reckoned it was just the way the F70 behaved. See, he'd heard all the complaints about the erratic nature of these new Fishers, too.
Well, that wasn't gonna fly with me... I needed to make this thing work, so it could become my primary unit.
So at his suggestion, I contacted Mike Scott at First Texas.
Long story short, that swell, heckuva guy up there in Wisconsin took good care of me. He stuck by me until he KNEW I was taken care of right.
I know I keep pounding this drum, but there are many people out there putting down the new Fisher and First Texas as producing junk equipment. These 'experts' like to tout it as a company more focused on flooding the market than caring for their customers and their reputation. Nothing is further from the truth, I'm here to tell you.
Anyone wants to ask me more about it, just send me a message. For now, I don't want to tie up more bandwidth here.
So I got he F70 to the field and decided I was going to wind it out.
"Just how far could I get with it?" I wanted to know.
Here's the settings I ended up hunting with:
SENS: 85
THRESH: -1 to 0
Tones: dP and 2F, I searched in 2F and then switched to dP to "process." Aint this FUN!!
Notch: N/A
To those of you who use the F70, you'll recognize some fairly high numbers here. I could get the THRESH up to +1 on occasion, but it got too "chirpy" at that setting, so I backed it off. Later, I realized I could have lowered the SENS and boosted the THRESH as an alternative, but I really wanted to wind out the SENS this trip. Well, I got my wish!
I was also able to ground balance the detector, something I could rarely do before - the electrical interference issues simply prevented it in the past. I attained a steady 54-55 ground phase, which is normal mid range for this area. Oh, Joy!

SO what benchmark relics did all this get me? Glad you asked. Here they are:
[attachment 114354 DSCF0032.JPG]
I know, I know I dragged you along this far to look at a bunch of shot shell hulls?! Well, in a word, yes.
The thing about these is they are brass, and come hard in the mid range, from 25-50 on the VDI.... right where a lot of other desirable relics land.
You know, things like buttons and other brass items, for example. Too, there are a couple of .410 bases there. Those are not at all large and the F70 nailed them.
The fact that many of them came from good depths is also notable. Most were from what I'd estimate 4"-8" and hit both hard and repeatable. There was no doubt something was there, as opposed to the occasional induced chirp or pop. I noticed something else, too.
At lower GAIN and THRESH settings, like I've been using on the trashy high school site lately, the coils' detection field is tight and relatively narrow. But at the higher settings I was using today, the coil's detection field is noticeably expanded. "Ballooned out," if you want to think of it that way.
This bodes well for future relic hunts, yes sir.
So, I count this trip a success in more ways than one. Not only is it obvious the F70 is now working correctly, but it sure can find things!
Thanks for looking and following along!