- - Wider is bigger and bigger is heavier unless someone really attacks the problem and would that be really worth it to the manufacturers? Especially in this day and age where swinging weight is such a selling point? I don't know.
Worth it? In this case, yes. There is an obvious flaw in the design, that needs correcting. ThHat's different than adding an ounce or two of weight.
The other thing about wider... there's a fine line at what width it starts to interfere with one's swing. In particular the left swing on a right handed person and vice versa. That's where it can potentially run into one's hip, gut, or whatever. I mean you could have the typical rear mounted stand very wide but you would have to decrease your swing motion to the left. Good tradeoff?
This is right. The current width is 3 3/4". How far can you go before it starts dto dig into your hip?5-5 1/2" by my tests.
I don't have an answer for anyone else but I have used the homemade PVC pipe stands and they do work very well (better stability and no body interference) given that they're mounted well in front of the normal location. I just don't know if the bit of added weight "pays" for itself.
Hoinestly, I dont like the look of the PVC stands. They look like they were made from plumbing left overs - which is exactly right. They're certainly not befitting a sweet, $650 detector.
If there's room for improvement that can be handled in a cost effective manner, I'd suspect we'll see it down the road more. If not, then maybe that's an opportunity for someone to provide as an aftermarket item
No argument there. Someone will come up with something. Im only stunned that Fisher didn't add a flared bottom below the batteries in the first place.