First of all, I have still not tried an F-5 out. However, I have been using the Omega for some time now. I certainly appreciated Mike H's head to head of these two "cousins" but he honestly admitted he'd used the F-5 extensively before he ever got his hands on the Omega. I'm quite confident my take would favor the Omega just for the ergos if nothing else and of course there's more to it than that.... namely its particular different feature sets and interfaces. I only mentioned that to demonstrate a difference of opinion, not to influence you. There has been several opinions already stated here as to which detectors actually "compare" to the F-5. Since the prices of all three of those mentioned are different from one another, we're really not starting with a literal apples to apples situation. One big aspect that I would contend links the F-5 closer to the Omega instead of the F-70 is operating frequency. As we all know the 70 runs at the same freq as that of the 75. I also own a 75 (GREAT detector) but I can see where the lower op freq of the F-5 and Omega (as well as the Gamma), all other things being equal, just seems to work a little better for coins. We've heard this for decades so it isn't just my opinion. Speaking of the Gamma, it IS the same price as the F-5 so should that have been included? Very soon there will be coils available for all of these detectors that will afford performance comparisons to be even one step closer to being legitimate. I won't go into any more of why I prefer the Omega but if you haven't already, study the different features, try and decide which are, as well as which may at some time down the road become important to you. Ask yourself if the dual vs single battery is important. Try and find a detector of each cosmetic design and note the different feel as you swing them. Try and find pix of each's displays and note the differences in what all is shown as you would be hunting. Does either have more or less than you want and need? The bottom line is you need to make the ultimate choice and I hope you recognize other people's opinions and preferences are just that and yours could very well be different. Good luck with the hunt!