I am a newbie to this hobby and just recently purchased a Fisher F4. I live in Canada and currently still have 6 feet of snow in my front yard. The option of switching coils seems to be a little cumbersome so I made a lower extension arm that clips to the main shaft and has the 4" coil attached. I can switch between the primary large coil being used and the 4" coil in seconds. I don't know how this will work in the field, but am ansiously awaiting warmer weather to try it out. I included some photo's to show off my little idea. The idea is to unplug the main coil, plug in the 4" coil unclip the extension arm and be ready to pinpoint in trashy area's or along foundation or fence lines. This may be a total waist of time but I like it, and wanted to share with other people and get some feed back.