$30 in clad since February? That isn't very much. I've found that in the last 3 months. I humbly suggest you need to do two things:
Get your detector out more, and hit the right spots.
Gold rings are not as common as we like to think. Just because you see them here, does not mean they are. That is misleading. The posts here represent a cross section of forum users, from across the globe. Site selection and the realization that it is purely a numbers game will matter most.
The thing to do is to make sure you are in the right place for gold - that is site selection. This means being in the places where people are physically active in large numbers. This includes a fairly short list, in order of priority:
Athletic fields of all kinds, but especially those where throwing, tumbling and jostling occur.
Sunbathing/swimming spots.
Parks with huge numbers of people, where activities like outdoor fairs, concerts, etc. occur
Fairground/carnival sites where people get tossed around by rides, etc.
Any places where lots of people are concentrated in a small area and are active.
Even your run-of-the-mill tot lot can hold very little gold if it is in the wrong area. One that sees little more than a few kiddies and stay-at-home-mommies may not produce well. One to keep an eye out for is the playground with large latino populations nearby.
Now some will argue these points saying that just swinging your coil is enough... I mean, sooner or later even a blind hog can find a nut. But if you are to be successful at bagging a certain quarry, you must move the odds into your favor. You wouldn't hunt deer in the WalMart parking lot, after all, since that isn't where they live. The same applies to the finding of gold jewelry.