Never thought I would get in to camo on a detector or anywhere for that matter, but sort of growing on me so I tricked it up a bit more
if anyone feels the same way shoot me a PM I can give brand and code its a real good match, I just made it with 1 roll, don't know how long it lasts for or if its meant to come off once a year or what ever maybe someone who knows more about the glues on this tape can help out? am I allowed to mention brands? would have been good if they did the coil cover or i could have put some tape on the edge but run out, but I guess at night I need to see where the coil is right ?
anyway here it is
if anyone feels the same way shoot me a PM I can give brand and code its a real good match, I just made it with 1 roll, don't know how long it lasts for or if its meant to come off once a year or what ever maybe someone who knows more about the glues on this tape can help out? am I allowed to mention brands? would have been good if they did the coil cover or i could have put some tape on the edge but run out, but I guess at night I need to see where the coil is right ?
anyway here it is