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[attachment 27293 1Caratdiamondearringcopy.jpg] keep your eyes open when fanning up that bottom. This 1 carat 14K ear ring stud gave a sparkel that caught my eye. It still was hard to relocate and took a few minutes if gently fanning the top layer of sand. it of course would not trigger a response from the CZ 20. And yes, the diamond has tested positive.
This is another reason for not using a scoop in the water. I have accululated a rather good collection of small gold and platinum item from using paying close attention while fanning holes. Always expect small stull and you will collect it. Hundreds of tiny ear rings are lost and few ever recovered.
This is another reason for not using a scoop in the water. I have accululated a rather good collection of small gold and platinum item from using paying close attention while fanning holes. Always expect small stull and you will collect it. Hundreds of tiny ear rings are lost and few ever recovered.