When I retired about 5 years ago I updated my Explorer ll with a SE PRO 11 inch coil. I also bought the blue Book that had a lot of info in it, got a signed copy from Jimmy Sierra. Then with a lot of detecting at the Salt Beaches of CT. I worked them. I use only a few sounds. More drives me crazy. I run deep. If it's a solid target I dig it up. I start out with Discrimination at 31. Then throttle down until I have a smooth and not overworked sound. Threshold set at just above the ocean sound, so I can hear what my detector has come across. At some point you must make a decision to dig or not to dig. There is corrosion on silver rings. It gets dark in color. Gold comes far and few. The main thing is don't give up. If it's a solid signal I dig it. When you are hitting pull tab city. It gets frustrating. At a half a dozen times I would make a decision to dig.
Then you pull up a ring and tell yourself what did I miss. I used the quarters to do our wash on Vacation several times. I saved the pennies, nickles, dimes. Hit the low tide first. Early morning, and then late in the afternoon to dusk. Don't let numbers fool you. Dig it up! And don't give up. Kids bury parents rings.