You mentioned something about difficulty in pinpointing. It is actually fairly easy to do.
A previous post to your message mentioned something about pinpointing using the "edging method", rather than turning 90 degrees and making an X. This 90 degree/X techniques has never worked for me.
Try this, when you get a hit, get a basic idea of where object is in your mind, then move coil away a few inches and hit your pinpoint button. When you come back over the object, you will get your tell-tell low tone pin point sound.
If you remain over the object the pinpoint sound will continue to sound. ( I will usually move the coil to side of object until sound stops and then move back in opposite direction until sound stops again. this give me an idea how long or big the object is ). However, continuing with pinpointing, when you have the constant pinpoint hum "edge" your coil slowly back toward your feet. As soon as the hum stops, you should have a good idea where the object is.
Look at my picture posted......when hum stops as you edge back toward your feet the object will be where the X is on the coil. This technique holds true with any of the coils ( I use WOT, 8", and stock coil and only use this pinpointing method).
Once the pinpoint sound stops, move coil to side just an inch or so and visually pick the spot on ground and start digging. I am usually right on target using this method.
The only problem that may occur is if there are 2 objects under your coil (you may only think there is 1 object). As you 'edge' back toward your feet your coil may pass over the original target and pickup the 2nd item and continue giving you a 'pinpoint hum'. If you edge back further than where your 'rough guess of where the object was' you will miss the object when you dig. If this occurs, this is when you would want to turn 90 degrees or more and use the same technique as described above. This time, the 2nd object wont be in your field and you will get right on the intended target.
If this occurs, go back over general area and see if the second target is any good.
hope this not too confusing. It is absolutely logical in my warped mind <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

By the way, this is easy to practice. Throw coin down, pinpoint over it, move coil back, move it to side and see where coin is in reference to your coil.
Good luck