I brought my explorer on 2252000 maybe have 25 hrs. of use.Every time I use the machine at the beach I get alot of falsing by water edge.And at times the threshold seems fine.So I go back to where it gave me a problem and the threshold works good.
The sounds it makes is a low tone and the crosshairs bounce around.
I have the explorer hipmounted (and even before it was hipmounted it would make false sounds.)
Iwould touch the connector by the screen and that would make asound.(I think alow sound)IWAS WONDERING IF ANYBODY ELSE MACHINE DOES THE SAME THING.
I dont think it is the coil because the WOT does the same thing.
Ihave the sensitivity between 16-20 and some times the machine works fine that way.So i dont think its that.
What I really think it is the connnection When it is touched or moved it falses.Before I send it back could some give me some ideas on what to do.Maybe change the pattern.
I really think something is wrong with the machine.Not so much the lack of expierence.I do use the EXCALIBUR and dont have that much problems with falsing.Thank You For Everyone Who Helps ME.
The sounds it makes is a low tone and the crosshairs bounce around.
I have the explorer hipmounted (and even before it was hipmounted it would make false sounds.)
Iwould touch the connector by the screen and that would make asound.(I think alow sound)IWAS WONDERING IF ANYBODY ELSE MACHINE DOES THE SAME THING.
I dont think it is the coil because the WOT does the same thing.
Ihave the sensitivity between 16-20 and some times the machine works fine that way.So i dont think its that.
What I really think it is the connnection When it is touched or moved it falses.Before I send it back could some give me some ideas on what to do.Maybe change the pattern.
I really think something is wrong with the machine.Not so much the lack of expierence.I do use the EXCALIBUR and dont have that much problems with falsing.Thank You For Everyone Who Helps ME.