Pinpointing is fairly easy - since it pinpoints in a strip I go to pinpoint and mark the spot then go 90 degrees to X it, sometimes I have to do it twice to nail the location. Sometimes you have to pinpoint in disc in heavy trash. Then you then you just try to get the coin tone near the front tip of the coil, circling the coin as best you can. Due to coins on edge, and you don't want to be nick old deep coins, the X-1 is almost a necessity.
I guess one site I can discuss is my parents cottage property, which was part of a vacation resort around 1915-19-25. Never been detected. I absolutely hammered the half acre it for many hours (25+) with a bounty hunter until it wouldn't give anything else up, got around 25 wheats, a merc, and an SLQ. Most coins were shallow, only around 5". With the Explorer I got another SLQ, Washington quarter, maybe 6 more wheats, a V nickel, and two buffaloes (so far). Some of those probably could have been dug with the BH but it was an iron trashy site and I couldn't dig everything. Some of them were deep next to trees and the BH wouldn't reach them.