I started out with Mikes settings and gave them up kind of quickly and went back to factory presets. And in 5 months of slowly "tweeking" my settings 1 adjustment at a time my settings almost match Mikes settings exactly.
I use DIGITAL still on my XS and I may dig an occasional screwcap or part of an old popcan but other than that I don't dig much junk at all since I use the audio ID as my primary decision as to dig it or not. Try going with the factory presets and turn FAST on if you are searching a trashy area or keep FAST off if you are in a nice clean area, also put your sensitivity at about 20-25 semi-auto. Let us know how it goes, HH Greg.
P.S. What kind of junk are you digging? If it's pull tabs, foil, and poptabs you are on the right track to finding gold. If you are digging aluminum cans, copper wire and fittings, brass, lead, etc,. you are on the right track to finding coins.