The manual says a faster coil sweep the better, are you guys still getting good depth if you swing slower, especially in thick trash? On a site with low mineralization, what kind of sensitivity can you push?? Someone told me he was running real hot at 85-90. I wish I could set a little iron reject in all metal, and could have more than two tones in all metal. But all in all, this thing is a beast, once I learn these tones and get used to it I am pretty confident that this is going to be a faster explorer with less tones and no iron mask screen, sound about right?? And if you can run it hot, it may prove deeper, I've got a sight my SE pulled 12 to 14 inch dimes out of with a ten and 14 inch coil, I'm going to try this f75 there and see what she does. Any advice would be appreciated. Good bing bonging to you