Jackpine Savage
Active member
Yesterday I hit a couple different fields looking for some old homesites and ran into something I had never seen before with the Excel. I had gone from one field with a sandly loam type ground to one with a heavier clay soil. When I turned the Excel on to GB it at the second field it gave a steady +36 reading with no tone in disc mode. Great, now what!
I turned it off and on a couple times and still got the +36 reading no matter where I swung the coil. Hmmm.. I says to myself must be the ground is REALLY different here.
Switching to all metal mode I coud hear every rock in the field as I passed over it and the Excel is normally immune to them. What the heck do I do now??? Thinking back on it I should have just went ahead an GB'd in all metal but being that I don't always think of the obvious I decided to switch to FP mode mstead which has always proven to be failsafe in the past. To make a long story short, the Excel worked fine after switching to FP, the constant +36 reading was gone and it ignored the hot rocks in all metal except for a few big/shallow ones. I went ahead and did the auto ground from FP mode she worked like a champ after that. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? do you think it was as I thought that the ground had changed so radically that it threw the Excels circuits off that far?
Now I gotta spend some more time out there and find me something "worthy" to post like you Easterners.

Now I gotta spend some more time out there and find me something "worthy" to post like you Easterners.
