Thank you for everyone's input on how to unstick a years worth of water hunting sand that gets between the aluminum upper rod and the fiberglass rod.
I tried the hot/cold method.
I tried the WD-40
I tried soaking it all night.
I ended up pushing it all the way in and could not get it out.
A car mechanic suggested the "secret weapon and it worked.
Can you guess what it was?
I purchased it at Home Depot for $3
A 36" x 3/4" wood dowel.
I had to sand it down a bit to get it past the aluminum handle that when welded it created a slight bump in the tube.
I pushed the wood dowel in and tapped it against the fiberglass rod until it came out.
BTW when you use DW-40 it creates a mess with the sand and you have to clean it out in the aluminum upper rod like a gun barrel.
Let's get some whistle clean Excalibur ready for the season.
I tried the hot/cold method.
I tried the WD-40
I tried soaking it all night.
I ended up pushing it all the way in and could not get it out.
A car mechanic suggested the "secret weapon and it worked.
Can you guess what it was?
I purchased it at Home Depot for $3
A 36" x 3/4" wood dowel.
I had to sand it down a bit to get it past the aluminum handle that when welded it created a slight bump in the tube.
I pushed the wood dowel in and tapped it against the fiberglass rod until it came out.
BTW when you use DW-40 it creates a mess with the sand and you have to clean it out in the aluminum upper rod like a gun barrel.
Let's get some whistle clean Excalibur ready for the season.