New member
I'm new to the excalibur II 1000 had it for a few weeks now and I'm wondering if it's operating OK? I know it's suppose to null out going over iron but my excal seems to null out for a long time? I was using it in a park going some what slow with the coil sweep speed went over iron it nulled out kept it going at the same speed right over a pull tab laying right on top of the ground about six inches from the iron. It didn't pick up the pull tab? When the excal nulls am I suppose to stop the coil and wait for the threshold to return? Or should it be picking up nonferrous items mixed or in close to the iron? When I got home I ran a couple of air test with a gold ring and some bi metal coins containing iron. The unit seems to era on the nulling side of things. It would pick up the gold ring if it was in the right position and if they both (ring and steel coin ) were further away from the coil and the closer I got to the coil it would null out quicker. I'm wondering if I'm missing some targets by this. I've been using it in the water also sometimes I'd get quick tone right into a null or sometimes from a null to an adbrupt tone back to the threshold. Any advise???