The Excalibur is a great machine. My dad and I both used pulses to start with, and now we have Excaliburs, and my brother does too. We havent had any problems with them. The knobs on my Excal did loosen, but that was a such a quick and easy fix, i dont know why people complain about it. I find the Excalibur a great advantage, it seems to get equal depth as the pulse units we used. Just the other day, i was in an area dense with Iron. Kept nulling every 4 or 5 steps. The Excalibur is able to pick up good targets next to iron. I got a silver bracelet, and when i went back over hole, it nulled over. Now, it didnt have a crisp, clear signal. So, if you get a target that sounds weird i.e. (chirps, breaks up, not constant) then its either junk, or possibly a good target near junk. A pulse user would eventually dig it no doubt, but they would have to dig all that iron trash, they might run out of time on parking meter, or get tired by the time they manage a good target out of all that iron. Which is why all of us in our family went to the Excal, tired of digging iron, and it lets us cover more beach since were not digging it. HH