I recently made a trade where I got an older Excal 1000 ..... I had a nice Sovereign GT and the controls "clicked " into place nicely, and there was a very evident "click" on the on/off volume control , and there was a very defined "click " on the Sensitivity control when going into "Auto " ...... Not knowing how the Excals react, I was fiddling with it and the Threshold knob has a very slight click to it , but not very defined ......I also went to the Sensitivity control , which I thought should also have a defined click to it , as the manual states, and it just turns smoothly and DOESN'T click when going into "AUTO " and I'm not really sure yet if it really goes into "AUTO " or not ....I will investigate further ..... Are these UN defined clicks normal , or am I experiencing a problem ? ....Again, I'm not use to the way an Excal is suppose to react .....The controls are stiffer since the shafts are probably pressed against rubber seals to keep the water out , but shouldn't I have a pretty good, defined , "Click " on the Sensitivity, the Threshold, and the Pinpoint / Disc switch ? .....Thanks, Jim