So...My Disc. Knob on my Excalibur 2 that is out of warrenty is spinning...Does anyone know how to take apart and fix it my self? If that is possable?(Broken part i dont have?) So i wnt outside put a pop top on the dround and rotated clockwise till pop top blanked out..that is spost to be around 11 on disc. settings, But then after turning it down and back would register...I cant establish a constant point when it will blank and not blank...On the other seems to be stuck in Disc. #1...Cause everything registers besides iron and silverware...all coins,silver,gold..etc sound perfect..I hunt in Disc #1 anyways and never turn it up cause the excalibur 2 blanks on iron i figure to just Leave it how it is untill i have to send it in for another problem down the road(Knock on wood)...ANY IMPUT FROM ANYONE...SHOULD I SEND IN AND NOT HAVE IT FOR TWO TO THREE MONTHS>>>OR JUST NO WORRY BOUT IT...! IS THERE SOMETHING I DONT KNOW>>>? Thanks....
The Bum
The Bum