I bought Coiltek's New 15 inch All Terrain coil for my excal. This coil comes with a connector kit with the female end of the connector kit installed from coiltek.
My question is what color wires did they solder to what pinns on the connector they installed? They sent me some documentation but it does'nt show a wiring
diagram.I am pretty upset with Coiltek for selling a coil specifically for the Excal with a connector kit.(witch costs more money) and not giving me some idea
of what they have done from there factory.I emailed them and they sent a pdf file with the documentation but it still has no wiring diagram. emailed them back
and no response! Anybody know what pinns they solder what color wires to? Don't want to have to cut apart what they have installed allready.
My question is what color wires did they solder to what pinns on the connector they installed? They sent me some documentation but it does'nt show a wiring
diagram.I am pretty upset with Coiltek for selling a coil specifically for the Excal with a connector kit.(witch costs more money) and not giving me some idea
of what they have done from there factory.I emailed them and they sent a pdf file with the documentation but it still has no wiring diagram. emailed them back
and no response! Anybody know what pinns they solder what color wires to? Don't want to have to cut apart what they have installed allready.