Hi Unearth, I have been an AVID EXCAL User since Nov. 2000, when I bought my first EXCAL BBS Model from KELLYCO!! I personally went thru (4) 8" BBS
Coils within 4 or 5yrs!! I PERSONALLY DO NOT LIKE BBS COILS for WATERHUNTING!! But, I personally used to FOLD THE COIL BACK AGAINST the lower
stemrod, so I could place my detector in the Original MINELAB GUN STYLE Detector Bag. Until after a couple of yrs., when I think it was Dick Shultz told me NOT
TO DO THAT ANYMORE!! So, I STOPPED DOING THAT IMMEDIATELY!! I personally remember there were SEVERAL MINELAB Customers, that had Coil Problems with the BBS COILS!! But, Dick Shultz and MINELAB ALWAYS TOOK CARE OF IT. After two yrs. with the Original EXCAL, I bought a Used but in
VERY GOOD CONDITION Older Model EXCAL (with Red headphones and SEASEARCH COIL), which I PERSONALLY PREFER!! About a yr. or two after that, a
personal friend of mine's uncle had an EXCELLENT CONDITION Older Model EXCAL up for sale at a Very GOOD PRICE, so I could not pass that up!! Now (3)
EXCALS' and a New CZ-20 (lifetime warranty) in the line-up!! So, I SOLD MY ORIGINAL BBS Model, and NEVER LOOKED BACK!! When one of my SEASEARCH
COILS Went BAD, I purchased a New TORNADO 10" COIL from a MINELAB DEALER, and had him send it and my Older Model EXCAL into MINELAB USA for replacement. Now I have an EXCAL with a SEASEARCH COIL, and a 10" TORNADO SLIMLINE COIL, and I am VERY HAPPY WITH BOTH.
In your case, I would purchase the New EXCAL II, due to what seems to be Better Headphones (Yellow KOSS Headphones); their equipped with the New
TORNADO SLIMLINE COILS; and the NIMH BATTERY PODS (a MAJOR PLUS). All for $100 to $150 more!! For me, IT'S A NO BRAINER!! BEST OF LUCK, whatever you decide, hh, Les Robinson