I think from all the input of my last post I am leaning towards the Excal vs. the GT. Thank you for the support. Went into the surf today and snagged a 17.7 gram gold ring so that much closer to the purchase.
My question is this.. A lot of guys like the straight shaft for the balance on dry land, but find it different in the surf. I realize the s shaft design is basically for the scuba diver and remarks are made as to how uncomfortable the stock shaft is swinging it for long periods of time. In the surf is the ergonomics better, in particular the the shaft mounted pod on top keeps the metal detector from bobbing up in the surf. Is this true? Is it easier with the stock setup to swing say in waist deep water? Thanks, Marty
My question is this.. A lot of guys like the straight shaft for the balance on dry land, but find it different in the surf. I realize the s shaft design is basically for the scuba diver and remarks are made as to how uncomfortable the stock shaft is swinging it for long periods of time. In the surf is the ergonomics better, in particular the the shaft mounted pod on top keeps the metal detector from bobbing up in the surf. Is this true? Is it easier with the stock setup to swing say in waist deep water? Thanks, Marty