Yes Barry good question!!
We do not have to much information about the Ni-MH battery.
I bough 5 years ago, a battery powered drill, The kit came with a full instruction on how to take care and charge the battery. The "smart"chargers that came with it, have an over charge protection and have indication about the charge of the battery. The drill, flashlight, charger and 2 battery, very good quality for the price of $ 189.
Now: we have that $1400 machine, with very expensive Ni-MH battery and the CHEAPEST battery charger that the market can offer and no charging instruction. I did more research on the battery care than the woll machine.
On my drill, I put the battery on the charger and live it there for weeks, until i need it, and the charger it self have been plug to a 110/V for the past 3 years non stop.After 5 years, it still working fine.
With minelab , We can not live the charger plug or it may burn a fragile ship inside. The cheap charger does not have over charge protection, so don't forget your battery!!! $$$ The only instruction in the Excal book, is: when the battery need to be charge, put the charger plug on the battery and plug it to the wall outlet. If you see water in the battery send it back to Minelab......
I do use a voltmeter to check the battery, but the good propriety of Ni-MH is to keep is voltage very high for maximum time and get down very rapidly, so it make it pretty hard to check it.
I do think Minelab have a minus there. It is big $$ machine but they have to keep up with the accessory to. There is good competition out there on MD Co
In 2009, with all the communication, forums like this one, magazines,,,, and all of us pushing our metal detectors forward, the fabricator, have to know with ho they deal with. For what I saw in those forums, since i start reading you guys, we are good honest smart people, so, fabricator, watch out for quality control.
Thank Serge