I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. Here's a group of finds that show the incredible target separation of the 3030. They were found last fall but I'm just getting around to photograhping them.
There is an old horse racetrack that had been pounded for years before I got to it. It's just a farm field now. I detected it with my Etrac probably a dozen times with 99% of my finds coming from an area 100' square. The area is littered with iron, probably the site of an old building. The iron is the only thing that kept other detectorists out of the area. I did very will with my Etrac and recovered over 50 coins, the newest being 1920. They were a mixture of of silver 5 cent pieces, dimes, quarters, and large cents. The last two times I detected the area I didn't retrieve a single coin with my Etrac during a full day hunt.
I got my 3030 last fall and went back to the same area. I was hoping to find a couple of coins still lurking amongst the iron. I was surprised at how good the 3030 was at sniffing out the good stuff. Almost all the targets were in very close proximity to iron, some with iron touching the coin. You can see the rust stains on some of the coins from the iron. I was a little nervous about the expensive upgrade from my Etrac. After this hunt I sold my Etrac and never looked back. The 3030 being weatherproof, having GPS, and the wireless headphones are features that I always wanted. Kudos to Minelab for making a killer detector.
Good luck to all this year.
There is an old horse racetrack that had been pounded for years before I got to it. It's just a farm field now. I detected it with my Etrac probably a dozen times with 99% of my finds coming from an area 100' square. The area is littered with iron, probably the site of an old building. The iron is the only thing that kept other detectorists out of the area. I did very will with my Etrac and recovered over 50 coins, the newest being 1920. They were a mixture of of silver 5 cent pieces, dimes, quarters, and large cents. The last two times I detected the area I didn't retrieve a single coin with my Etrac during a full day hunt.
I got my 3030 last fall and went back to the same area. I was hoping to find a couple of coins still lurking amongst the iron. I was surprised at how good the 3030 was at sniffing out the good stuff. Almost all the targets were in very close proximity to iron, some with iron touching the coin. You can see the rust stains on some of the coins from the iron. I was a little nervous about the expensive upgrade from my Etrac. After this hunt I sold my Etrac and never looked back. The 3030 being weatherproof, having GPS, and the wireless headphones are features that I always wanted. Kudos to Minelab for making a killer detector.
Good luck to all this year.