Monte-thanks for your insight on this,I've read many other posts of yours including your air tests and such,invaluable info for the guy who's trying to "get it right" instead of just get it. After awhile of reading I consider Randy,Keith and yourself the authorities on these critters. It is certainly nice NOT to have to go through years of trial and error to see what works and what doesn't,although there will be some of that depending on conditions. As I stated before in another post,I will never leave the house without that 5.3 BM anymore,it would be like forgetting my wallet to me.
I also stated that the Indian was completely green,I'd imagine there was some kind of mineral reaction going on there that may have enhanced the ability of the coil to see it,but again,since I wasn't expecting to see anything way down there I didn't give it the fine attention I probably should have. I am glad I kept going till I did find something,instead of giving up on the signal and chalking the signal up to some other reason.
Now that I know the 5.3 is reliable to 7" but COULD go deeper,most everything is getting dug. And yes,when I sent one of my IDXs in for a tune up recently I even TOLD Connie that if the IDX Pro "hot rod" were available again I'd be the first guy in line. Both of mine have the ground balance mod,I just drilled the case to adjust the T-hold as I don't mess with it much.Now we Wisconsinites have to wait awhile for this arctic blast to leave,it has been a LONG winter for most of the country,in case you guys haven't noticed.
Thanks again you guys for all your help and thoughts,it certainly always brings things more into focus!