New member
I was in a resurfaced or back filled park today.Over top of coal ash,with a little asfault mixed in.Everything was a pull tab or neckel on sweeps.Now the scan was a bit more accurate.And when i did a demo for a kid the quarter said a quarter.I generally go by audio,this unit likes to use the screen and make very little audio difference unlike my xlt.I basicaly dug all the solid neckels.not one coin.lots of pull tabs.and a few tiny aluminum buttons.And some coal slag.Pinpointing was also nearly impossible.items should be off the shaft but they were all over the place.I do think their were some steel plates or rail road iron in dirt.I opened up a dozen or so holes somone else dug a while back too.I just dont get what the deal was with my unit and this place.I guess i should have grabbed my xlt and tried.This thing kills me on audio,i generaly am watching were im walking due to mostly relic hunting.Is their anyway to get audio id more accurate?This has got to be the noisiest unit i ever used.I have goten coins up to 2 feet down.And even dug a frag of a shell down under 2feet of bricks.but both my tdi and xlt are much better at pinpointing.(havnt learned depth on tdi yet though)