Yesterday was the worst day I have had with the x70. I dug way too many pull tabs and way too many big holes. I should have got back in the truck and came home after an hour or so. I only managed one wheat along with 18 clad coins. I shouldn't complain as it was a beautiful day. Today I did better on jewelery, but not on coins. I found 4 sterling silver rings and they were all deep(8 inches). One of them was a extraordinary Navajo ring. The band is bent pretty bad. One is one of those Irish good luck rings. I live in NE Ohio and we have not had any rain to speak of for 9 or 10 days. The ground is getting hard and dusty, but the temps have been around 70. You can't beat this time of the year, no bugs. I am doing something I never though I would do later today. I am selling my fisher cz 70. I haven't taken it out of the house since I got the X70 up and running. R.L.