The evenings are getting long enough to get an hour or twos detecting in the mornings or evenings when the tides are right. Yesterday evening I went to a beach a little bit along the coast where finds tend to be sparse but interesting.
The detecting was slow with most of the finds concentrated in a singles cut in the sand. The 9ct ring (called a keeper ring) is 9ct and was made in 1970/71 and appears to have been in the black sand for a while. The 1924 silver shilling is nearly black and the little silver earring was a pig to pinpoint. The rest of the haul were old copper coins, a little spending money and shrapnel. All in all a nice evening out.
<img src="http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/detect/keeper.jpg">
The evenings are getting long enough to get an hour or twos detecting in the mornings or evenings when the tides are right. Yesterday evening I went to a beach a little bit along the coast where finds tend to be sparse but interesting.
The detecting was slow with most of the finds concentrated in a singles cut in the sand. The 9ct ring (called a keeper ring) is 9ct and was made in 1970/71 and appears to have been in the black sand for a while. The 1924 silver shilling is nearly black and the little silver earring was a pig to pinpoint. The rest of the haul were old copper coins, a little spending money and shrapnel. All in all a nice evening out.
<img src="http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/detect/keeper.jpg">