I am not new to my Etrac but I felt like I did not have this Sensitivity thing figured out for sure and I was right. I did an Air Test and found that simply changing from Auto to manual gained 2" on a Silver Dime. I did find that I was about as hot on Sensitivity as I could go using Auto. I knew this because at times in some places, everytime I moved my Coil my machine just Nulled out. I found that if I reduced the Sensitivity I could avoid the Null and swing normal. The Key is the Threshold. If you are getting a decent Threshold while swinging the Coil, you are not over driving. I like to hear those Nulls from Iron then the Threshold return pretty quick.
I discovered that a quick simple way to change from Manual to Auto Sensitivity is to hit the Side Arrow without opening the Menu. Then if you need to decrease the Sensitivity you hit the Up or Down Arrows without opening the Menu. You may need to Exit the Menu while at the Sensitivity Section. Not sure about that.
Today I was hunting in Auto +3 and some of my Sites will not allow +3. Some Coils (Coiltek) are a little hotter so I have to decrease as far as Auto +0. This is in order to obtain that good Threshold.
Today I was using a Sunray X-8 which did allow from +1 to +3. I have hunted this Site at least 4 times with my current Etrac. I also used a very good small coil. My Auto +3 was running good showing a Sensitivity of 19 and I hit a tree which is an obvious spot to hit. I changed to Manual and tried 24 but everytime I moved the Coil nothing but Null. I reduced down to 22 which is the same as Auto +3 at 19 which would seem to be nothing gained, but I was wrong. Man 22 gave me a decent Threshold while swinging so I started hunting.
Result was under 1 tree where I had hunted in Auto 4 times and my Partner at least once, I got 8 Coins. One was this Mercury. This Mercury was not all that deep at only about 6" but it was on end.
From now on it is Manual for me, if I even suspect deep coins.
I discovered that a quick simple way to change from Manual to Auto Sensitivity is to hit the Side Arrow without opening the Menu. Then if you need to decrease the Sensitivity you hit the Up or Down Arrows without opening the Menu. You may need to Exit the Menu while at the Sensitivity Section. Not sure about that.
Today I was hunting in Auto +3 and some of my Sites will not allow +3. Some Coils (Coiltek) are a little hotter so I have to decrease as far as Auto +0. This is in order to obtain that good Threshold.
Today I was using a Sunray X-8 which did allow from +1 to +3. I have hunted this Site at least 4 times with my current Etrac. I also used a very good small coil. My Auto +3 was running good showing a Sensitivity of 19 and I hit a tree which is an obvious spot to hit. I changed to Manual and tried 24 but everytime I moved the Coil nothing but Null. I reduced down to 22 which is the same as Auto +3 at 19 which would seem to be nothing gained, but I was wrong. Man 22 gave me a decent Threshold while swinging so I started hunting.
Result was under 1 tree where I had hunted in Auto 4 times and my Partner at least once, I got 8 Coins. One was this Mercury. This Mercury was not all that deep at only about 6" but it was on end.
From now on it is Manual for me, if I even suspect deep coins.