I've never owned a safari or se pro. I do own 2 etracs and one white's v3i. From all the reading I've done the etrac is superior. More stable readings, faster processor, and better detection in iron and trash. There are been some nice finds made with the other 2 detectors you mentioned. I realize you said money was a factor in your decision making. Here's why I would get the etrac. First, I think it's the best overall, next the e-trac will probably be supported longer in the future with service(spare parts) than the other 2 detectors. I actually bought my second e-trac from bigboyshobbies. I believe they are a sponsor on this forum. Give em a call, I'll bet they offer you a great deal. If you can't afford a new etrac I would consider a used e-trac or a used se pro. I wouldn't buy a new safari or a new se pro. just my opnion.