I am also not sure what exactly your question is. Rob is right, pull and release trigger until you're back to the 6 block menu, again to get to your search screen. I suspect this isn't what you're after though. So, here goes what I think I'm reading...
There's an option in the configuration menu to set the menu default (6 block menu/expert menu). Get there by expert menu>Configure>menu>
There's a check box called Expert only. If you want your menu key to take you to the 6 block menu rather than the expert menu, make sure this checkbox is unchecked.
As far as your C&J program, do you want to save what you have, or ditch it and just get your original C&J back? If you want to ditch it, expert menu>program>Restore/Load>
In the name field, scroll through the program options - select C&J. Tab to the From window. Select Library program. This will grab the C&J stored from the factory.
If you want to save what you have,
Go to the expert menu>program>new/copy and save your program. So, if you changed C&J and this is the one you want to save away, select C&J in the Library program list. Do not select "Use library name" checkbox as you will want to rename it with a name you choose. Then tab down to the Name box and enter the name you want to call it. (Pressing enter in that field brings up a keyboard)
To restore coin & jewelry, go to "restore/load",
in the name field, select coin & jewelry (might go there as default, but if not use the up/down arrows to find it)
menu/tab to "from", go down to "library program" and then use the left/right arrows to select coin & jewelry
menu/tab to load press enter.
Hope that helped a little.
ETA: Rereading, sounds like you already saved your changes to another program. So, no ditching necessary, just restore C&J from the library.