I bought a new one in June of this year at Big 5 Sporting goods for $139. It is supposed to be identical functionally to the Discovery 2200 sold by Radio Shack.
It has different times for different alloys detected. Silver and copper give a high pitch "ping" and iron gives a low tone "honk."
There is a depth read out that is quite accurate for coin sized items On the display are shown various "likely" target IDs including iron, pull tabs/screw tops/nickels, zinc, penny/dime, quarter, half dollar and dollar. They give a crude idea of what to expect. I doubt any metal detector can do much better. These alloys between iron and silver give mid tones.
I like mine and would recommend one to others. I do seem to go through batteries quickly, about 5-8 hours until the battery level shows half power. maybe it is ok to run at half power. I don't know. I change the batteries at that level. I just bought some rechargable 9v batteries on ebay. Once they arrive, I'll give them a whirl.
Elite 2200