Electrolysis works better with a large amount of oxides on a metal object. Ultrasonic works better with smaller amouts of oxides present.
! have been using one (ultra sonic cleaner) for many years. It really helps clean up some coins quickly, however, it can also ruin coins too. Make sure you are talking about a true ultrasonic cleaner, not a "sonic" cleaner. A sonic cleaner has a much lower frequency, and vibrates the liquid. An ultra sonic cleaner works more on a molecular level, producing millions of tiny bubbles which shoot out in all directions and agitate the surface being cleaned. Here's been my experience:
- Put small iron objects in a mixture of vinegar and water to remove rust deposits quickly.
- Put silver coins and rings in a special commercial cleaner to remove oxidants.
- Put a handful of freshly found dirty coins in a water solution and clean them for about 10 minutes
Do Not
-Put old oxidized copper coins in a solution, as the oxides will be pulled away and and leave the coin pitted and ugly
-Clean pearls, opals and turquoise, as they can shatter
-Clean pasted jewellry, as it will fall apart.
Where to buy?
Dental suppy stores, hobby stores, Radio Shack, ebay.....