Rip!! Can ya put me on that list for the older TR manual? I have a printed copy, but it's buried somewhere in my stored literature.
I'd love to do a comparo on the various Time Ranger versions. Even an air test on a quarter in the various modes with a brief impression of the unit-in-hand would be cool. I have a version "2" and Pineapple (rarely seen on the forums these days) may have owned a version 2 (same as 1, but no Sentron), 3 (dual C-cell powered, short-lived?) and possibly a 4 (the latest, back to dual 9-volt, but changed sniff and blanker, added new Motion All-metal mode).
I like my version 2 so much, I'm just curious how the others compare. Most everyone seems to like their particular version, but the newest seems to hunt deeper. I didn't find blanker and sniff too useful on my TR2, however, others have. Now that they've been changed in how they behave, I'm curious about them. I also wonder if the Sentron Corelator was effective or just a novelty. My TR2 is pretty immune to electrical powerline interference, but does interfere when brought near my wife's TR2 or my Teknetics T2.
There's a lot of Time Ranger reviews on the web. Bear in mind the review date and how long they owned the machine. Many users were probably unaware of earlier versions and of course could not know about later ones. While there's many similarities, there are also significant differences between the four versions released over the years. Since they are all tagged simply Time Ranger, it may not be entirely evident which version is being reviewed unless specific feature behaviors are mentioned to help date it.
Near as I know, here's the chronology:
TR1: ca 1998 to early 2001 (Sentron, dual 9-volt)
TR2: mid-2001 to early 2002 (No Sentron, dual 9-volt, otherwise same as 1?)
TR3: ca May 2003 (dual C-cell power, otherwise same as 2?)
TR4: ca Dec 2003 (back to 9-volt, blanker & sniff changed, new Motion All-metal mode)
The TR4's Blanker "meter" no longer has a pointer on it (when powered up). This may be the easiest way to determine if you own the latest version.. All earlier versions have a pointer on the Blanker to show the depth to which targets are being ignored. Battery configuration and the oh-so obvious Sentron antenna will clue you to the earlier versions.
As to that Sentron antenna that's receiving all the attention as of late, there may be a version in-between versions 1 and 2 that had an "internal" Sentron or it may be this internalization has been retained in some or all of the later versions. There's nothing like it inside my TR2, that's for sure! But, I do recall a post from BH long ago that stated the "function" of the Sentron was moved inside the box. There's really no reference to it after that, so take that as you will!
Speaking of originals, it's really too bad the original Bounty Hunter forum got wasted, there was a ton of old info on there that was never archived anywhere, other than a few posts I or others may have copied off to the ol' hard drive.